A cake that is rich, moist, and creamy! It's loved by young and old. And of course, the best are made with great dark chocolate. This cake is a dense almost fudgy chocolate cake that looks and tastes like pure chocolate.
Very delicious cake using good quality product
The cake is super delicious! The whole construction site is edible making it fun for kids and there is no waste! The size is appropriate and the design is creative! Highly recommended!!
Eats and Treats Bakery30 reviews从 RM 125.00此蛋糕应冷藏保存或送达后立即食用!蛋糕口味一款异想天开的小蛋糕,上面涂着奶油糖霜,装饰着可爱的独角兽雕像。这款蛋糕非常适合梦想家!蛋糕话题 尺寸:5 英寸 x 3 英寸 或 6 英寸 x 4 英寸 或 5 英寸 x 6 英寸重量:900g或1kg或1.5kg+-份量: 4 至 6 人份、6 至...
A cake that is rich, moist, and creamy! It's loved by young and old. And of course, the best are made with great dark chocolate. This cake is a dense almost fudgy chocolate cake that looks and tastes like pure chocolate.
Very delicious cake using good quality product
The cake is super delicious! The whole construction site is edible making it fun for kids and there is no waste! The size is appropriate and the design is creative! Highly recommended!!