
Cake Together 致力于让每一次生日体验都变得精彩纷呈。我们与 Lilin + Co、Handmade Heroes、Fujifilm instax 等品牌合作,精心挑选了一系列礼物,为您所爱的人送去幸福!

致电或 Whatsapp 联系企业: +603 3310 0011
邮箱: hello@caketogether.com

Quick Menu

  • 生日熊


    Party Together
    RM 110.00

    此蛋糕应冷藏保存或送达后立即食用!蛋糕口味向生日熊问好!生日蛋糕和生日礼物都是一只可爱的熊,随时准备参加派对。这个可爱的礼物在生日蛋糕袋中附赠生日蛋糕惊喜,有两种口味可供选择 - 香草和巧克力!蛋糕话题尺寸:4 英寸 x 2 英寸重量:250g+-份量:1 至 2 份准备和交付时间:4 小时附...

  • (定制信息) 甜蜜泡泡气球棒

    (定制信息) 甜蜜泡泡气球棒

    Party Together
    RM 45.00

    您将获得以下内容1 x 11 英寸泡泡气球,带金色五彩纸屑4 x 5 英寸玫瑰金粉色和白色乳胶气球1 x 金色流苏准备和交付时间:4 小时注:小气球的颜色取决于库存情况 不适用 不适用

  • 金属色和五彩纸屑氦气球 + 铝箔星形气球 8 件

    金属色和五彩纸屑氦气球 + 铝箔星形气球 8 件

    Party Together
    RM 78.00

    您将获得以下内容7 x 12 英寸氦气球1 个铝箔星形气球 准备和交付时间:4 小时注意:所有氦气球均涂有 hi-float 涂层,可漂浮至少 12 小时。 不适用 不适用

  • Instax Mini 11 Camera (Lilac purple) with the retail box, beside a box of film

    Instax Mini 11 + 即时胶片单包(10 张)

    Fujifilm Instax
    RM 358.00

    认识您的新朋友!可爱又小巧,是您捕捉生活中快乐时刻的最佳伴侣!配有专用自拍镜和近摄镜,近距离捕捉您与亲人和您最喜爱的东西的合影! 1 台 Instax Mini 11 相机 1 x Instax Mini 即时胶片单包(10 张) 不适用

  • Orbz Classy Happy Birthday balloon, with metallic silver, gold and black balloons

    优雅生日气球 7 件

    Party Together
    RM 88.00

    您将获得以下内容6 x 12 英寸金属金色、金属银色和黑色氦气球1 x 16 英寸 Orbz 优雅生日快乐氦气球 准备和交付时间:4 小时注意:所有氦气球均涂有 hi-float 涂层,可漂浮至少 24 小时。 不适用 不适用

  • Safari Orbz balloon, with pastel orange, yellow and green balloons

    Safari 生日气球 7 件

    Party Together
    RM 88.00

    您将获得以下内容6 x 12 英寸淡橙色、淡黄色和淡绿色气球1 x 16 英寸 Orbz 优雅生日快乐氦气球准备和交付时间:4 小时注意:所有氦气球均涂有 hi-float 涂层,可漂浮至少 24 小时。 不适用 不适用

  • Balloon bundle with a pink Happy Birthday balloon for the ladies


    Party Together
    RM 88.00

    您将获得以下内容6 x 12 英寸玫瑰金、白色和淡粉色氦气球1 x 16 英寸 Orbz 甜心生日快乐氦气球准备和交付时间:4 小时注意:所有氦气球均涂有 hi-float 涂层,可漂浮至少 24 小时。 不适用 不适用

  • Black leather and brass keyring with engraving

    ana tomy 皮革 & 黄铜黑檀木钥匙圈

    ana tomy
    RM 48.00

    您将获得以下内容黄铜五金配件。真皮。回归基本,尽可能保持简约。设计用于将您的钥匙放在一起 — 简约而优雅。用名字个性化打造属于您的钥匙包。只需简单旋转黄铜锁,即可插入新钥匙(或钥匙链)!同样的黄铜五金件会随着时间和日常使用而形成自己的特色。将钥匙整理到您的领域 — 风格独特。非常适合赠送他人或...

  • Green leather and brass keyring with engraving

    ana tomy Hunter 皮革黄铜钥匙圈

    ana tomy
    RM 48.00

    您将获得以下内容黄铜五金配件。真皮。回归基本,尽可能保持简约。设计用于将您的钥匙放在一起 — 简约而优雅。用名字个性化打造属于您的钥匙包。 只需简单旋转黄铜锁,即可插入新钥匙(或钥匙链)!同样的黄铜五金件会随着时间和日常使用而形成自己的特色。将钥匙整理到您的领域 — 风格独特。非常适合赠送他人...

  • Purple clothbound yearly planner with name engraving

    ana tomy 精装 A5s 2023 计划本(淡紫色)

    ana tomy
    RM 138.00

    您将获得以下内容使用 ana tomy Nº1 经典系列 A5 超薄精装线装版计划簿来整理您的 2023 年计划、目标和待办事项。您将在里面找到 2023/2024 年度概览、无日期月刊和无日期周刊横向版面,其中有足够的空间来规划您的日子和星期。配有环保、FSC 认证的无酸纸,以及配套的书签丝...

  • Black clothbound yearly planner with name engraving

    ana tomy 精装 A5s 2023 年 Galaxy 计划本

    ana tomy
    RM 138.00

    您将获得以下内容 使用 ana tomy Nº1 经典系列 A5 超薄精装线装版计划簿来整理您的 2023 年计划、目标和待办事项。您将在里面找到 2023/2024 年度概览、无日期月刊和无日期周刊横向版面,其中有足够的空间来规划您的日子和星期。配有环保、FSC 认证的无酸纸,以及配套的书签...

  • Violet clothbound yearly planner with name engraving

    ana tomy 淡紫色 A5s 精装笔记本

    ana tomy
    RM 138.00

    您将获得以下内容您需要一本可以记录一切的笔记本。记笔记、列出待办事项和制定计划。使用 ana tomy Nº1 经典系列 A5 超薄精装笔记本(Wirebound Edition)解锁无限可能的世界。 里面有 180 页 7 毫米纸,可供您记录想法、草图、反思和待办事项。配有环保、FSC 认证...

  • Black clothbound yearly planner with name engraving

    ana tomy 精装 A5s 笔记本(银河色)

    ana tomy
    RM 138.00

    您将获得以下内容您需要一本可以记录一切的笔记本。记笔记、列出待办事项和制定计划。使用 Ana tomy Nº1 经典系列 A5 超薄精装笔记本(Wirebound Edition)解锁无限可能的世界。里面有 180 页 7 毫米纸,可供您记录想法、草图、反思和待办事项。配有环保、FSC 认证、...

  • Cream clothbound yearly planner with name engraving

    ana tomy 精装 A5s 笔记本(棕褐色)

    ana tomy
    RM 138.00

    您将获得以下内容您需要一本可以记录一切的笔记本。记笔记、列出待办事项和制定计划。使用 Ana tomy Nº1 经典系列 A5 超薄精装笔记本(Wirebound Edition)解锁无限可能的世界。里面有 180 页 7 毫米纸,可供您记录想法、草图、反思和待办事项。 配有环保、FSC 认证...

  • Dark blue leather card holder

    ana tomy 海军蓝皮革卡片夹

    ana tomy
    RM 148.00

    您将获得以下内容Canary 系列名片盒是一款简约而优雅的皮制名片盒,经过精心设计,可保护您的名片。它设计美观,纹理优美,设计简约。卡片盒最多可容纳 20 张名片或 10 张芯片/磁卡。金属钉的设计便于使用便携包时闭合和打开。Panache 将永远握在您的掌中。非常适合赠送他人或自己使用。 ☑...

  • Green leather card holder

    ana tomy Hunter 皮革卡片夹

    ana tomy
    RM 148.00

    您将获得以下内容Canary 系列名片盒是一款简约而优雅的皮制名片盒,经过精心设计,可保护您的名片。它设计美观,纹理优美,设计简约。卡片盒最多可容纳 20 张名片或 10 张芯片/磁卡。金属铆钉的设计便于使用便携包时闭合和打开。Panache 将永远握在您的掌中。非常适合赠送他人或自己使用。 ...

  • Black leather card holder

    ana tomy 乌木色皮革卡片夹

    ana tomy
    RM 148.00

    您将获得以下内容Canary 系列名片盒是一款简约而优雅的皮制名片盒,经过精心设计,可保护您的名片。它设计美观,纹理优美,设计简约。 卡片盒最多可容纳 20 张名片或 10 张芯片/磁卡。金属铆钉的设计便于使用便携包时闭合和打开。Panache 将永远握在您的掌中。非常适合赠送他人或自己使用。...

  • Green leather money holder

    ana tomy 真皮非钱包 (Hunter)

    ana tomy
    RM 148.00

    您将获得以下内容Nº5 Canary 系列非钱包是“少即是多”的定义。设计不仅是为了让您的钱包更薄,还让您的生活更简单。我们的非钱包的理念是去掉所有不必要的东西,专注于基本的东西。 拉开拉环即可看到 5-6 张您选择的卡片。3 个拉环可确保您的钞票和收据安全无虞。如果您喜欢冒险,可以尝试使用磁...

  • Black leather money holder

    ana tomy 乌木色真皮非钱包

    ana tomy
    RM 148.00

    您将获得以下内容Nº5 Canary 系列非钱包是“少即是多”的定义。设计不仅是为了让您的钱包更薄,还让您的生活更简单。我们的非钱包的理念是去掉所有不必要的东西,专注于基本的东西。拉开拉环即可看到 5-6 张您选择的卡片。3 个拉环可确保您的钞票和收据安全无虞。如果您喜欢冒险,可以尝试使用磁铁...

  • Dark blue leather money holder

    ana tomy 海军蓝真皮非钱包

    ana tomy
    RM 148.00

    您将获得以下内容Nº5 Canary 系列非钱包是“少即是多”的定义。设计不仅是为了让您的钱包更薄,还让您的生活更简单。我们的非钱包的理念是去掉所有不必要的东西,专注于基本的东西。拉开标签即可看到 5-6 张您选择的卡片。3 个标签可确保您的钞票和收据安全无虞。如果您喜欢冒险,可以尝试使用磁铁...

  • Instax Mini 40 beside a box of film

    Instax Mini 40 + 即时胶片单包(10 张)

    Fujifilm Instax
    RM 458.00

    认识您的新朋友!instax Mini 40 可爱、小巧、时尚,外观复古,是您捕捉生活中快乐时刻的最佳伴侣!配有专用自拍镜和近摄镜头,可近距离捕捉您与亲人和您最喜爱的东西的合影!自动曝光-mini 40 自动调整至周围亮度自拍模式 - 只需拉出镜头即可立即切换到自拍模式!自拍模式还可以清晰地拍...

  • Instax Link WIDE (Ash White) + Instax Film WIDE Single Pack

    Instax Link WIDE + Instax Film WIDE 单包(10 张)

    Fujifilm Instax
    RM 668.00

    结识您的新朋友。使用 instax Link WIDE 轻松从智能手机打印照片和视频!其更大的打印尺寸非常适合大群朋友和家人。轻松重新打印照片,并与亲朋好友分享。使用二维码模式,您可以给亲朋好友留下隐藏信息!字体样式、颜色变化、预填充贴纸或上传自己的贴纸选项;拍摄和打印照片的乐趣更多。 1...

  • Plain Instax Mini Instant Film (10 Sheets x 3 Packs)

    普通 Instax Mini 即时胶片 (10 张 x 3 包)

    Fujifilm Instax
    RM 115.00

    完美搭配您的 instax mini!这些普通的 instax mini 即时胶片适用于所有 instax mini 相机,并配有方便的胶卷盒,可放入钱包、钱夹或迷你相框中。用清晰、鲜艳的色彩和自然的肤色捕捉您自己的惊艳即时照片。 3 x Instax Mini 普通即时胶片单包(10 张...

  • Instax Mini Blue Marble, Pink Lemonade and Confetti films

    什锦 Instax Mini 即时胶片 (10 张 x 3 包)

    Fujifilm Instax
    RM 121.00

    您的 instax mini 的完美伴侣!这些各式各样的 instax mini 即时胶片适用于所有 instax mini 相机,并配有方便的胶卷盒,可放入钱包、钱夹或迷你相框中。用清晰、鲜艳的色彩和自然的肤色捕捉您自己的惊艳即时照片。 1 x Instax Mini 蓝色大理石即时胶片...


  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    You have questions, we have answers! Hi there! Cake Together always strives to provide a hassle-free cake purchase experience - fewer clicks to get your cake fix or to put a smile on someone's face! Here are the your burning questions, answered!

    The Cakes

    Yes it is possible! Cake Together is your premier online cake delivery marketplace! We can definitely get a cake delivered to you today, within 4 hours! Just make sure you place your order before 4pm to have it delivered today. Don’t miss out on a loved ones happy birthday, click here to start order!

    All of our bakers use Halal certified ingredients to bake. We do have a couple of alcoholic cakes in our marketplace, which we have mentioned that they contain alcohol in the product details.

    We do have a collection of Halal Certified Cakes that you can have a look here

    All allergens are displayed in each cake’s product details. Just click into the product to see if it contains wheat, eggs, diary or nuts. We strongly advise you to read and understand the ingredients and allergens before placing your order as a precautionary measure.

    We have cakes in all shapes and sizes! There's 5 inches, 6 inches, 7... We could go on forever! But to save you some time, you can find out about each cake's size and weight in the product details

    It depends on the cake you've chosen! Some cakes have too many intricate designs for the baker to fit a message. Plus, it wouldn't look as good. Worry not, though, as all orders come with a handwritten message card. So, go ahead, pour your heart out, and write your message there…

    We can't guarantee that all special requests can be fulfilled, with the limited time period and available materials taken into consideration, but we will definitely try our best! Do let us know about your requests at the cart page or drop us a Whatsapp text on our hotline.

    Sometimes the cake you have received may differ from what was shown on our website. The photos on display are for illustration purposes, so do take the lighting and photo editing used into consideration. And also, the cakes would not look exactly the same as they are all handmade by our bakers.

    Cakes will stay fresh for roughly 4 to 5 days if refrigerated.

    Totally! The cakes need to be refrigerated upon delivery to keep the cake fresh and prevent ruining the treat.


    Step 1: Browse through our wide selection of cakes and pick a favourite!

    Step 2: Pick your delivery date and time, let us know the number of candles and what message on the handwritten message card you'd like to come with the cake, and click ‘Add to Cart’.

    Step 3: Go to the cart page and proceed to check out.

    Step 4: Fill in your shipping details and select your preferred payment method. Once your order has been placed, we will send you a confirmation email.

    Step 5: Now, kick back and relax whilst we get your freshly baked cake delivered right to you!

    Be sure that upon placing your order you are contactable through either WhatsApp or call.

    Sure you can! Order from our selection of cakes *here* before 4pm and we'll have it delivered right to your doorstep in 4 hours!

    Please do note that though we strive to deliver your cakes to you under the quick time of just 4 hours a lot of factors can affect delivery timings such as traffic, the weather, etc. But rest assured, we will continuously put 150% effort into getting you your cakes ASAP!

    All the cakes on Cake Together have a label that includes a delivery time to notify the buyer on how long it would take. They come in timings of 4 hours, 1 Day, 2 Days and 3 Days. These are labels for the minimum time it takes to get this cake to you.

    Cakes under the category of "Get these in 4 hours" (on-demand orders) will be delivered to you within 4 hours of your time of order.

    We can't guarantee that all special requests can be fulfilled, with the limited time period and available materials taken into consideration, but we will definitely try our best! Do let us know about your requests at the cart page or drop us a Whatsapp text on our hotline.

    The cut-off times for each time slot are as shown below. After each cut-off time has passed, you may select the remaining available time slots.

    - 11am to 1pm
    - 1pm to 3pm
    - 3pm to 5pm
    - 5pm to 7pm

    Kindly place your order before 4pm to receive it the same day.

    The 'Add to Cart' button will turn green once you've selected your delivery date and time. So, ensure that you've selected your preferred date and time before adding the cake to the cart!

    Yes, all cake orders come with a cake knife and a candle (if you had not keyed in the number of candles you'd like).

    We accept payment via debit card, credit card, PayPal, and FPX online banking. Go with whatever that's easiest for you!

    When your order is processed, you'll receive a confirmation email with an order number. So, do keep an eye out for that email! If you didn't receive said email, drop us a Whatsapp text or call our hotline.

    You can key in your discount code when you're at the checkout page. Be sure to click apply!.

    Unfortunately, you can no longer use the code for your current order, but, no worries! Our discount codes do not expire (except the seasonal codes), so they're good for your next purchase.


    We currently deliver in Penang, Johor Bahru and all areas in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya and Subang Jaya.

    Do keep in mind that we do not deliver cross-state at the moment. This means that you won’t be able to get cakes labeled with ‘Johor Bahru’ delivered to Klang Valley.

    Yes, we do charge a delivery fee based on the distance between the bakery you have ordered from and your delivery address. The delivery charges range from RM9 to RM40, depending on the distance.

    Also, please take note that when our rider arrives at the delivery location, they will allocate 10-15 minutes of waiting time. If however, past that there is no one there to receive the cake. Our rider will leave to proceed with their other deliveries and circle back to do yours. In that case, a re-delivery charge of RM30 will be imposed.

    Do browse through our filters to find the bakeries closer to your area!

    You will receive an email notification once the cake is successfully delivered by our rider.

    When our rider arrives at the delivery location, they will allocate 20 minutes of waiting time. If the recipient is unreachable by call and is not there to receive the cake in the 20 minute time frame, the rider send the cake back to the bakery for safekeeping. In that case, a re-delivery charge of RM30 will be imposed.

    Changes to the delivery location can be made, but a prior notice of a minimum of 24-hours is required. Therefore, this clause only applies to orders for the next day and more.

    If however, you do notify us under the 24-hours required timing, we will do our best to fulfill the change, but there are no guarantees. Do hit us up on our hotline or e-mail to check with us.

    In a case that we are unable to fulfill your change due to the notice being under 24-hours, the initial cake order and delivery time will be fulfilled, regardless.

    If you have placed an order for a cake to be delivered on the same day of the order date, it will not be possible for you to change the delivery date and/or time.

    If you would like to change your delivery to a later date and/or time, you may do so only if you notify us at least 24 hours before the delivery date. You can call the Cake Together hotline to notify us on the changes, just in case!

    If the cake is not delivered within a day of the selected delivery date, the cake will be forfeited and the customer will bear the cost of the cake. Delivery is a very complex and delicate process and sometimes, from making the cake, packing, moving it to the mode of transport, during the period of delivery and delivering the cake so kindly notify us early so we can work together!

    Yes, you may cancel your order up until 24 hours before the delivery date you have selected. We will refund the amount paid in the form of in-store credits for your next purchase.

    In very rare cases, should a cake be unavailable after you have purchased the cake, Cake Together will substitute the cake with the next best cake possible of the same value.