My recipient said " good looking cake, delicious and a Perfect 10...of course...........with increased happiness and excitement at the sight of a big, beautiful ballon🥰🥰🥰
Cold cheesecake + milk pudding with mango chunks + slightly salty crunchy base, this hits all the spots! My daughter loves the balloon, very pretty!
The cake is tasteless (tasted by 5 persons and they said the same thing). In doubt if we are even eating cake or something else 😅
1 star for Cake Together Service on their swift response.
1 start for the balloon and its on time arrival.
此蛋糕应在收到后立即冷冻保存!食用前,请在室温下解冻 20 分钟。
尺寸:6 英寸 x 2 英寸
份量:6 至 8 份
准备和交付时间:4 小时
周一至周日,上午 10 点至下午 7 点
至少提前 4 小时通知
下午 4 点前下单,4 小时内即可收到
Creme 使用清真原料并在清真环境中烘焙。
My recipient said " good looking cake, delicious and a Perfect 10...of course...........with increased happiness and excitement at the sight of a big, beautiful ballon🥰🥰🥰
Cold cheesecake + milk pudding with mango chunks + slightly salty crunchy base, this hits all the spots! My daughter loves the balloon, very pretty!
The cake is tasteless (tasted by 5 persons and they said the same thing). In doubt if we are even eating cake or something else 😅
1 star for Cake Together Service on their swift response.
1 start for the balloon and its on time arrival.
荔枝冷冻芝士蛋糕 6 英寸 [免费个性化气球]
Creme11 reviewsRM 99.00此蛋糕应在收到后立即冷冻保存!食用前,请在室温下解冻 20 分钟。 蛋糕口味享受几乎像冰淇淋蛋糕一样的体验充满荔枝香味的冷冻芝士蛋糕!由松脆的饼干底、柔滑的芝士和荔枝块制成,顶部有一层玫瑰花香的荔枝果冻。美味!自由的甜蜜泡泡气球棒,棒上带有个性化信息。蛋糕话题尺寸:6 英寸 x 2 英寸重量:...
查看完整详细信息 -
经典黑森林 6 英寸 [免费个性化气球]
Creme14 reviewsRM 89.00此蛋糕应冷藏保存或送达后立即食用!蛋糕口味经典黑森林蛋糕堪称完美。柔软的巧克力海绵蛋糕搭配多汁的黑樱桃块,表面涂有蓬松的奶油,饰有巧克力碎片和黑巧克力片。这款蛋糕不会让您失望! 免费甜蜜泡泡气球棒,棒上带有个性化信息。蛋糕话题尺寸:6 英寸 x 2.5 英寸重量:700g+-份量:6 至 8 ...
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柠檬冷冻芝士蛋糕 6 英寸 [免费个性化气球]
Creme17 reviewsRM 99.00此蛋糕应在收到后立即冷冻保存!食用前,请在室温下解冻 20 分钟。蛋糕口味新鲜、香醇、奶油味十足……纯粹的美味!这款冷冻芝士蛋糕几乎就像冰淇淋,有松脆的饼干底、奶油柠檬芝士和淡淡的柠檬酱。顶部有新鲜奶油、南瓜籽和新鲜柠檬片。自由的甜蜜泡泡气球棒,棒上带有个性化信息。蛋糕话题尺寸:6 英寸 x ...
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芋头椰子布丁 6 寸 [免费个性化气球]
Creme6 reviewsRM 115.00此蛋糕应冷藏保存或送达后立即食用!蛋糕口味 对于不喜欢太甜的人来说,这真是一大享受!全天然蛋糕,不添加任何食用色素(是的,色素来自山药!),海绵蛋糕松软,山药酱香醇,椰子布丁弹牙。自由的甜蜜泡泡气球棒,棒上带有个性化信息。蛋糕话题尺寸:6 英寸 x 3.5 英寸重量:800g+-份量:6 至 ...
My recipient said " good looking cake, delicious and a Perfect 10...of course...........with increased happiness and excitement at the sight of a big, beautiful ballon🥰🥰🥰
Cold cheesecake + milk pudding with mango chunks + slightly salty crunchy base, this hits all the spots! My daughter loves the balloon, very pretty!
The cake is tasteless (tasted by 5 persons and they said the same thing). In doubt if we are even eating cake or something else 😅
1 star for Cake Together Service on their swift response.
1 start for the balloon and its on time arrival.