Title was the general comment from the eaters. The cake arrived cold but left for an hour in air-cond room. Still a little frozen at the bottom but tasted ok. Ordered 2 type of cake and this one was a hit. Did not get to taste much durian in my slice but it was greatly appreciated by the rest.
Thank you for your awesome service. Delivery is on time and ordering process was smooth and easy. Most of all the cakes are yum yum. My mom n dad were surprised to receive the nasi Kerabu cake. Super creative Malaysian!!!! And of course the Musang King is another big hit. Support!!!! Love ordering from you guys. Thank you so much for making us happy.
My fam loves this Durian Cake so much!
请注意,蛋糕是在 Yippii Gift Kitchen 新鲜出炉的,然后深度冷冻以在运送过程中锁住美味新鲜度。食用前,请将蛋糕放入冷藏箱中解冻 1 至 2 小时。
尺寸:8 英寸 x 2 英寸
份量:10 至 12 份
准备和交付时间:4 小时
周一至周五,上午 11 点至下午 6 点
至少提前 4 小时通知
下午 4 点前下单,4 小时内即可收到
Title was the general comment from the eaters. The cake arrived cold but left for an hour in air-cond room. Still a little frozen at the bottom but tasted ok. Ordered 2 type of cake and this one was a hit. Did not get to taste much durian in my slice but it was greatly appreciated by the rest.
Thank you for your awesome service. Delivery is on time and ordering process was smooth and easy. Most of all the cakes are yum yum. My mom n dad were surprised to receive the nasi Kerabu cake. Super creative Malaysian!!!! And of course the Musang King is another big hit. Support!!!! Love ordering from you guys. Thank you so much for making us happy.
My fam loves this Durian Cake so much!
三重巧克力 6 英寸 [免费个性化气球]
Cake Discovery5 reviewsRM 120.00此款蛋糕应冷藏保存,保质期为 2 天。但建议在购买当天食用。食用前请将蛋糕放置在室温下。蛋糕口味 这款巧克力蛋糕将纵情享受提升到了一个全新的水平。它由层层湿润、浓郁的巧克力海绵蛋糕制成,中间夹有浓郁柔软的巧克力馅料。每一口都能品尝到巧克力的多种风味和质感。蛋糕侧面配有精致的手工巧克力奶油,巧克...
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玫瑰荔枝蛋糕 6寸 [免费个性化气球]
Cake Discovery5 reviewsRM 120.00此款蛋糕应冷藏保存,保质期为 2 天。但建议在购买当天食用。食用前请将蛋糕放置在室温下。蛋糕口味这款清爽的玫瑰荔枝蛋糕将令您的味蕾愉悦。由浸入玫瑰糖浆的湿润海绵蛋糕制成,并加入玫瑰糖浆鲜奶油、玫瑰果冻和多汁的甜荔枝。这款蛋糕一定会让您享受到花香和水果香的愉悦体验。蛋糕话题尺寸:6 英寸 x 2...
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61% 黑巧克力千层蛋糕
Cake Discovery61 reviews从 RM 135.00此款蛋糕应冷藏保存,保质期为 2 天。但建议在购买当天食用。食用前请让蛋糕静置至少 3-5 分钟。蛋糕口味 用手工可丽饼层制成的绝妙蛋糕。加入用 61% 黑巧克力制成的黑巧克力甘纳许和漩涡状巧克力甘纳许混合而成的鲜奶油。每一口都能品尝到黑巧克力的微苦和轻盈的口感。这款蛋糕绝对能满足您一年四季对...
Title was the general comment from the eaters. The cake arrived cold but left for an hour in air-cond room. Still a little frozen at the bottom but tasted ok. Ordered 2 type of cake and this one was a hit. Did not get to taste much durian in my slice but it was greatly appreciated by the rest.
Thank you for your awesome service. Delivery is on time and ordering process was smooth and easy. Most of all the cakes are yum yum. My mom n dad were surprised to receive the nasi Kerabu cake. Super creative Malaysian!!!! And of course the Musang King is another big hit. Support!!!! Love ordering from you guys. Thank you so much for making us happy.
My fam loves this Durian Cake so much!