I was delivered a wrong cake and the baker send me the correct cake immediately for remedy. Even though the first experience was not that great but I am satisfied with the sincerity of this vendor and Cake Together. Therefore, I give a 5-star review for this.
Delicious cake and it’s worth for the money
The cake look nice, taste good, a little too sweet but is okay if is shared among. Overall experience with Cake Together platform is good, where u can overlook all the reviews and cakes from various bakery.
这款巧克力蛋糕夹着浓郁的咸焦糖奶油,淋上咸焦糖细雨,顶部放着松脆的爆米花和华夫饼筒。Ennoble by Elevete 让爆米花不仅仅是一种剧院食品!
尺寸:5 英寸 x 3 英寸
份量:6 至 8 份
准备和交付时间:4 小时
周一至周日,上午 11 点至下午 7 点
至少提前 4 小时通知
下午 4 点前下单,4 小时内即可收到
Ennoble by Elevete 使用清真原料并在清真环境中烘焙。
I was delivered a wrong cake and the baker send me the correct cake immediately for remedy. Even though the first experience was not that great but I am satisfied with the sincerity of this vendor and Cake Together. Therefore, I give a 5-star review for this.
Delicious cake and it’s worth for the money
The cake look nice, taste good, a little too sweet but is okay if is shared among. Overall experience with Cake Together platform is good, where u can overlook all the reviews and cakes from various bakery.
Onde Onde 蛋糕 [免费个性化气球]
Cake Discovery17 reviews从 RM 95.00此蛋糕应冷藏保存或送达后立即食用!蛋糕口味这款 Onde Onde 蛋糕的灵感来自马来西亚人最喜欢的当地美食之一,味道与正宗的 Onde Onde 蛋糕一模一样!柔软湿润的香兰海绵蛋糕搭配香兰鲜奶油和层层浸泡在马六甲椰糖中的椰丝。柔软芳香,咬一口就让您意犹未尽!免费甜蜜泡泡气球棒,棒上带有个性...
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优质胡萝卜核桃 6 英寸 [免费个性化气球]
Cake Discovery4 reviewsRM 120.00此蛋糕应冷藏保存或送达后立即食用!蛋糕口味浓郁而诱人的胡萝卜黄油蛋糕,香料味十足,口感香脆!这款蛋糕由大量新鲜胡萝卜丝和葡萄干、肉桂香料面糊、奶油奶酪奶油和大量焦糖核桃制成,口感香脆。自由的甜蜜泡泡气球棒,棒上带有个性化信息。蛋糕话题尺寸:6 英寸 x 2.5 英寸重量:900g+-份量:6 ...
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61% 黑巧克力千层蛋糕
Cake Discovery61 reviews从 RM 135.00此款蛋糕应冷藏保存,保质期为 2 天。但建议在购买当天食用。食用前请让蛋糕静置至少 3-5 分钟。蛋糕口味 用手工可丽饼层制成的绝妙蛋糕。加入用 61% 黑巧克力制成的黑巧克力甘纳许和漩涡状巧克力甘纳许混合而成的鲜奶油。每一口都能品尝到黑巧克力的微苦和轻盈的口感。这款蛋糕绝对能满足您一年四季对...
I was delivered a wrong cake and the baker send me the correct cake immediately for remedy. Even though the first experience was not that great but I am satisfied with the sincerity of this vendor and Cake Together. Therefore, I give a 5-star review for this.
Delicious cake and it’s worth for the money
The cake look nice, taste good, a little too sweet but is okay if is shared among. Overall experience with Cake Together platform is good, where u can overlook all the reviews and cakes from various bakery.