Cake was still warm when i received. Heavy and huge. Kill two birds with one stone.. celebrate wz cake blowing and have a makan2 session at the same time. Able to feed close to 20 people in the office. Everyone in the office says it taste good. Made my boss day as she does not like the conventional cake and she can even keep some of the "cake" for dinner.
Good! But suggested can have a smaller size
First of all thanks baker for rushing last min order, and it came on time. From the decorations to the taste I would just say it’s perfect nothing else to say more. The ikan bilis!!! Super crunchy!! Thanks so much baker!
为了获得最佳风味和品质,此蛋糕应在送达后 2 小时内食用,因为它含有椰奶,几小时后就会变酸。
1)招牌三巴酱 230g - 辣椒,洋葱,油,盐,糖
2)干果酱 250g - 干果,椰糖,辣椒,大蒜,姜,小茴香,醋,芝麻,植物油,盐
尺寸:12 英寸 x 3 英寸
份量:14 至 16 份
准备和交付时间:4 小时
周一至周日,上午 11 点至下午 7 点
至少提前 4 小时通知
下午 4 点前下单,4 小时内即可收到
Eats and Treats 使用清真原料并在清真环境中烘焙。
Cake was still warm when i received. Heavy and huge. Kill two birds with one stone.. celebrate wz cake blowing and have a makan2 session at the same time. Able to feed close to 20 people in the office. Everyone in the office says it taste good. Made my boss day as she does not like the conventional cake and she can even keep some of the "cake" for dinner.
Good! But suggested can have a smaller size
First of all thanks baker for rushing last min order, and it came on time. From the decorations to the taste I would just say it’s perfect nothing else to say more. The ikan bilis!!! Super crunchy!! Thanks so much baker!
61% 黑巧克力千层蛋糕
Cake Discovery63 reviews从 RM 135.00此款蛋糕应冷藏保存,保质期为 2 天。但建议在购买当天食用。食用前请让蛋糕静置至少 3-5 分钟。蛋糕口味 用手工可丽饼层制成的绝妙蛋糕。加入用 61% 黑巧克力制成的黑巧克力甘纳许和漩涡状巧克力甘纳许混合而成的鲜奶油。每一口都能品尝到黑巧克力的微苦和轻盈的口感。这款蛋糕绝对能满足您一年四季对...
Cake was still warm when i received. Heavy and huge. Kill two birds with one stone.. celebrate wz cake blowing and have a makan2 session at the same time. Able to feed close to 20 people in the office. Everyone in the office says it taste good. Made my boss day as she does not like the conventional cake and she can even keep some of the "cake" for dinner.
Good! But suggested can have a smaller size
First of all thanks baker for rushing last min order, and it came on time. From the decorations to the taste I would just say it’s perfect nothing else to say more. The ikan bilis!!! Super crunchy!! Thanks so much baker!